samedi 23 août 2008

おは ^^

みなさん こんにちわ!!!!

I'm sorry because I didn't write during a long time, but during holidays I made a lot of things, so I just wanted to send some pictures to say I'm well ^^

With Alex we are engaged since the 2nd of August and it was a fantastic day

THIS was one of the cakes we served, it was wonderful ^^

Now I will go to my new job IKEA! For this I have to make a training in BORDEAU, and after we will have our apartment in Tours with Alex. I'll put some other picture of it after when we will have it ^^

Ducky は おおきい に なります

さわこちゃん も ^^

でも おね たち は まだ まだ おかちゃん きませんでした...それん さん は たぶん らいしゅう ....

じゃあ あとで もう いっぱい しゃしん おくります